New Apple CEO Tim Cook receives a 383 million dollar stock Bonus — 10 years

Tim Cook, Apple's new CEO is getting hefty payday in return for having the world's most useful for the company's helm.

SEC-Apple has shown that it granted the Cook with 1 million shares of Apple. Today's closing price, $ 383.58 to his new stock is a 383 million dollar.

There is a catch, though. For the Cook in his full bonus on the collection he has to live the next ten years with the company. Half of the shares vest, 24. August 2016, while the other half are already vested in 24. August 2021. Essentially Apple is locked by Tim Cook up the next decade, the most in the hopes that it does not appear in the leadership of the risky changes.

Tim Cook will most likely never reach Steve Jobs has accumulated (he has a value of approximately $ 8.3 billion, thanks to Disney with his large shareholding) in prosperity. But the Cook can be expected to have the multi-million dollar payday or even billion — a decade onwards. This is one of the causes leading to the world's most valuable company time, when it is far to fall.


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