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Windows 8 developer preview now available for download

You can install the 32-bit or 64-bit x 86-based computer. Activation is not required, but it is far from the finalized version of the OS, so if you are installing, waiting for bugs and errors. In any case, you should definitely check out the Guide to Windows 8 Microsoft to get an idea of what you can expect the next version of Windows. Also, check the of the new features Windows,...

"Trash Tycoon" Eco-responsibility Social Gaming

 Recycle Bin Tycoon emphasises upcycling, the concept of the Recycle Bin are converted into new products. Users of the recycling business, collect trash and new uses environmentally friendly disabled items such as plastic bags, or building materials. You earn points by performing tasks such as upcycling, money, and ultimately, the title "garbage Tycoon."The authors believe, social play of the game is the ability to affect the real-life models. "As simple a thing as a social game, where players earn points for recycling in the real world is... Launches iPhone App [REVIEW]

 Yes, that’s right: you can now listen, rack up those DJ points and chat from anywhere you happen to have your iPhone (though if you happen to be on the john, as one of my fellow DJs told me today, it’s probably best not to share.)If you’re not familiar with Turntable — well, first of all, where have you been? Mashable has been rocking its own Turntable room with stellar...

Create and Send real postcards for iPhone — n: O address is required for the [images]

 Name: Run postcardFast pitch:Send real postcards directly from your phone to your friends and family.Genius idea: Automatic retrieval of the address.A beautiful beach on the island of Mauin, the mood you are in a temporary, when you choose to share this perfect moment seriously and back home again with friends.To fire up your iPhone, app, Snap a photo and choose to whom...

Facebook will begin testing a friend of the filters in the news feed [pictures]

Facebook has started, changes to the news feed, including friend list filters and Smart lists that automatically slew the friend list in the test.The changes will appear in the content of the News Feed is the objective is to make a point of view. These changes, to the extent that we can ensure the box next to the pictures sent to us, Show that Facebook is sharing News Feed...

Windows 8 Developer Preview Launches Tuesday [PICS]

Can’t wait to get your hands on Windows 8? You can get it tonight — as long as you’re willing to suffer through countless bugs without any technical support.Microsoft unveiled Windows 8 on Tuesday at its Build conference in Anaheim, California. The tech giant detailed how its next-generation OS bridges the gap between tablets, laptops and desktops with a lightweight system...

Google Maps for Android now you can add photos, reviews

Google Maps for Android has been updated to version 5.10.0, which brings two new cool features: the ability to include photos of the place of the reviews and the ability to see the locations that you have categorized with 4 or 5 stars of the map view.The first option is itself an explanatory — it only enables you to add a little more flavor reviews with the photo. Another...

Use the Windows tablets [report] Samsung

Samsung has plans to launch its Tablet PC, in addition to using Windows, Android, according to a report.The Wall Street Journal, the company intends to make the announcement next week, Microsoft developers Conference-Conference in California, reports. Samsung released the first Galaxy tab on theTablet September 2010. Although the product was positive, when it was launched,...

Faster MacBook Pros Could Hit Stores This Month [REPORT]

The Apple MacBook Pro line of laptops will be equipped with faster processors by the end of the month, according to a well-placed source who spoke with AppleInsider. Last week, Intel rolled out faster versions of its Sandy Bridge processors, the class of chips currently used in the MacBook Pro. That means the current quad core Core i7 chips in the 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pros...

HTC Sensation XE is the first phone with Beats Audio

Over the last few HTCpartnership wins the sound produced its first HTC Sensation result: the revised version is known as the HTC Sensation XE.The device is aimed at music lovers and several enhancements of the software and hardware to provide a better listening experience. In addition, according to Dr. Dre Beats headphones with ear maritime Sensation XE features also a specific...

Google + Hangouts are now more sign language friendly [VIDEO]

Google + Hangouts were already popular with users, with sign language, but thanks to the improvement of the stability of the video and the "Floor" is a new feature on the Google Group video chat capabilities much more available to all.Go to the Hangouts speakers are auto-activation, if anyone is talking about the most (or loudest) appears in the video's and all the others have seen the smaller thumbnails of videos to audio. Sounds great, and that the automatic switching Google + is one of the coolest Hangouts.But that was not employed by, and...

4 things to consider expanding the international market for startup

 In the context of the globalisation of the world is increasingly at the Centre of the order of the day. Advantages of the concept of cause and the significant challenges facing entrepreneurs. However, when the benefits are many (including a more effective communication and cooperation opportunities), in today's digital put the pressure on young companies can extend around...

How does crowd clay on the future of Storytelling

 The stories are the foundation of human communication, even when the transmission over the Internet, campfires — naturally social and communal setting. To change the face of the storyteller of his public statements, based on the story to tell — speeding up slow here and there to give more background to the character. Storyteller may hear someone to retell the story in a different way or on its own, and use the new stories tell of the original or in the context of an iterative search technique. The story may be a stronger and monivivahteisempi...

Airbnb offers its guests 24/7 Access to the local Concierges

Whether country in the room, House, or even Coco: n TV-studio , Airbnbyou hire, you do not have to sacrifice service from a mobile site, thanks to the Concierge service is started.The site for permission to a couple of their clients locally versed Airbnb Concierge "premier service" and the local food, top travel tips and travel logistics."Why should the guests unique local...

MileWise factors in the Miles & points allows you to find the cheapest flight

Name: MileWiseFast pitch: Calculate the miles and points to help you find the best flight.Genius idea: MileWise search engine is designed for the frequent flier in mind. Unlike most flight search engines, however, which only allows you to arrange the flights, the price, duration, or stop, hotel accommodations, as well as hotel and MileWise factors in the credit card points...

How to: receive notification when your favorite runway looks arrive in stores

It is Fashion WeekNew York, which means designers are unveiling collections, which may have not hit the stores for a maximum period of six months. It is very likely to come in late winter, many of us forget about our favorite skirt or handbag we promised we would answer we picked as soon as it arrived near the dealer.In the monitoring of the runway, a new tool in a startup...

9/11 Exhibit App builds Future World Trade Center, the photo [VIDEO]

The largest on 9/11 the memory part of the heritage of the non-disclosure agreement to the New York Times in the lobby due to focus on the tragedy 10 years ago, but one of the Digital Gallery forward instead of back to the World Trade Center site.Augmented reality-the app loaded with three iPads to sit next to the atrium of the historic times, with the exception of moving the collection to determine the part of the table of coverage, which connects to the rest of the gallery. The application contains a precise digital model for the future of the...

Google Introduces Flight Search

 Google provided what it called an “early look” at the service on Tuesday with flights to and from a handful of cities, including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and Minneapolis. Participating airlines include Delta, JetBlue, Continental and American. Flight Search is a more user friendly version of a service Google launched in May. It offered flight info when you typed “flights from [a city] to [another city]” in the Google search window. Google made its first formal foray into that segment last July with the $700 million purchase...

Breakthrough: the Secret to make processors 1000 times faster [VIDEO]

If you want to make the processors 1000 times faster, you are going to have some serious technology right? It would be a traditional solution templates. But IBM and 3 M are the secret shortcut to lock a low tech.The companies were found to be much simpler way to hit elusive goal — not a part of the spectacular new circuits, or by using a variety of exotic quantum mechanics,...

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