"Trash Tycoon" Eco-responsibility Social Gaming


Recycle Bin Tycoon emphasises upcycling, the concept of the Recycle Bin are converted into new products. Users of the recycling business, collect trash and new uses environmentally friendly disabled items such as plastic bags, or building materials. You earn points by performing tasks such as upcycling, money, and ultimately, the title "garbage Tycoon."

The authors believe, social play of the game is the ability to affect the real-life models. "As simple a thing as a social game, where players earn points for recycling in the real world is capable of changing human behavior better," says Ravivin GuerillappsTurner, cofounder and Executive Director.

In addition to teaching sustainable business models, the Recycle Bin CarbonFund.orgTycoon donates 10%, a not-for-profit association that is dedicated to the fight against climate change in the game.

Do you think a good policy to teach how to play? Check out some shots of the game and tell us what you think in the comments.


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