Why do companies have to provide multi-channel messaging strategy


Social media and Smartphones are the perusluonnonvaran of the established patterns and B2C interactionpractices. To be successful, companies must focus on customers ' preferred channels, whether mobile, IM or social networks.

The relationship between technology and the consumer, however, is a two-way street. Take, for example, the Facebook notifications (automated email or text alerts for when someone posts to a wall or comments on the photo). These notifications are B2C dialogue, even if they operate under the guise of the C2C interaction.

On Facebook social networks, such as space and other pioneers of the original attraction was to bring together for the common user groups on the Web. Add messaging capabilities of the basic regulation, on the web site to extend the social experience of the outside Web site. Air alerts, you must go to the online hangout Facebook with your friends. Notifications, with a friend on Facebook — and brand — come and check in with you throughout the day to your Inbox.

This type of message delivery to the businesses involved, informed, and the added value (wall post/share) in the social interaction without forcing users to the site ever.

Add social media communications is simple stuff, which is having a great impact on me all the way to connect to. For example, an event message to the automatically generated notifications – were largely a one-way traffic. Bought something on Amazon or something online through PayPal and you got paid receipt will be sent to you. The message contained a link to the support site is likely to be, if the issues were, but in general the interaction shall decide as soon as possible.

Facebook notifications are completely different animals. You can respond to a comment in return, or see the whole comment threads, click. Bi-directional interactions as the starting point is the transactional email, or text. Such a communication from the Commission is bound to spread to the more traditional industries such as banking, healthcare, and retail trade, in particular in areas such as customer service and marketing.

We are drawing other companies, which create complex message driven workflows to automate processes that previously relied on live operators or network search — for example, the Bank provides the text for the current account balances for customers in the short codes or mini statements, which are listed in the most recent transactions. Where things get interesting is when your callback options, click to call banks offer, request, or click the IM settings, so that a digital conversation can go beyond the original message.

Will be carried out properly, such a user to set the "context-aware ' interactions. Person-to-person conversation, which is evolving from an e-mail, SMS message on Facebook, such as the size of the context is kept in a large B2C interaction. In the context of the discussion, even if the company knows the user, such as the discussion does so through the channels of the message. Just as important to the account holder does not need to be re-explain their date of issue, if the interaction is live.

Social media and Smartphones allow people to carry out discussions on a whole series of channels that you can stop and restart the hours or days, but a continuous process. People are still used in the style of communication as well as with the companies.

The trick is to take an intelligent messaging feature, which can be a number of backend systems, interfaces and process incoming and outgoing messages in a variety of formats. Large organizations hit roadblocks, because they have multiple systems, email and text marketing has its own e-mail: vendor, and data sources, client service, use the internal infrastructure of the House, in the case of e-mail, SMS/MMS business, but outsourcing, and so on. Impossible for the Organization's work or to maintain a consistent two-way dialogue, if you choose text or IM to stay through e-mail.

Is not going back to a single data stream communication. Companies that can respond to consumer demand across multiple channels to better serve their customers and see the actual gains the loyalty of customers and the Marketplace advantage.

IStockphoto, Image courtesy of hulya-erkisi


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