How does crowd clay on the future of Storytelling


The stories are the foundation of human communication, even when the transmission over the Internet, campfires — naturally social and communal setting. To change the face of the storyteller of his public statements, based on the story to tell — speeding up slow here and there to give more background to the character. Storyteller may hear someone to retell the story in a different way or on its own, and use the new stories tell of the original or in the context of an iterative search technique. The story may be a stronger and monivivahteisempi retelling.

Broadcast media and Publisher of the modern world, the traditional model is based on a series of people reading and select which stories to appeal to the public at large. These gatekeepers to assess on the basis of the commercial and literary books, which has already succeeded. Daring stories, which pushes the boundaries and bend the categories may be passed, because they are difficult to market. But the readers and viewers are often easily available in the flavors of their stories reflect the rapidly.

But what if we created a little forest fires around which writers can tell stories and to gauge the public, eager to improve their storytelling before bumping up the reaction of many traditional media filter? We get the more interesting stories? We can expose a group of brilliant creators, who does not have the connections to these gatekeepers?

Crowdsourcing fundamentally alter the contents of the selection process — and the tag, the storytelling itself — by authors and readers (and potential viewers) in the procurement process, closer to. If the viewers and readers, and a fun way to give feedback on the cutting edge of stories which may have been moved to the top before the stories, these tales has a better chance of gaining the suppliers and producers, who has played a wide range of resources available to the public.

Take a positive interest, readers of the pre-publication helps the curator to the boundaries of the enterprise is ready to consider the thrust. This is done in academic publishing blind peer reviews, but has not been applied to the trade publication. Birthing stories, in this context means, that the authors, who have undergone a peer review approach, community supporters, to help you successfully market their story in the media landscape is surrounded by the situation in the grooming of the traditional media filter.

This is more than just a crowdsourcing. The progress of the Media structure is — without expanding the ports ports to make smarter and more diversified in such a way that the storytelling innovation is accelerated. User groups are larger than ever, because of the creation stories of the people have a wider geographical and socio-economic culture of the swath.

This new model to the authors, beyond the traditional media epicenters in New York, Los Angeles and London, and gives the storytellers in Omaha, Oswestry, to receive Neb., England, formerly available in the workshopping and the publication of the use of resources.

When the Neuromancer was published in 1984, called the "Cyberpunk" genre does not exist. Until Michael Crichton for the us in 1969, the Andromeda strain, "environmental thriller" was the category would expect stories. By extending the process through which the stories are found we will give to those who are passionate about new stories affects the possibility and thus increase the likelihood that new genres and stories of sub-genres to develop and Find eager to wait for the user groups.

The contents of the installation works (whether or not the YouTube which is a home-made music video or self-published book) becomes increasingly popular, many have expressed concern that the stories of the quality suffers. Here too, the well-organized crowdsourced model provides a solution. Identifies the compelling stories are added to the game; based solely on the number of "thumbs up" sounds of success is not working and frustrated, as well as to those who tell the stories of those who read them This qualitative model to move — one in which the readers to provide feedback about the storytellers to help hone tales and editors rely on substantive feedback on the stories that appeal to the identification of the user groups — create new stories from the path of the measurement result.

Online-only stories need not be "mainstream" to be successful. They find the right readers and viewers, without debuting thousands of large monitors, one of the weekend. The future of storytelling applied to groups of users, in particular, that sort of content clearly and be interested in. The authors continue to become more aware of their selected niche radioactive depths as soon as they are for the purpose for which they're writing and how to get the information as accurate as possible.

IStockphoto, Image courtesy of AnthiaCumming


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