Breakthrough: the Secret to make processors 1000 times faster [VIDEO]

If you want to make the processors 1000 times faster, you are going to have some serious technology right? It would be a traditional solution templates. But IBM and 3 M are the secret shortcut to lock a low tech.

The companies were found to be much simpler way to hit elusive goal — not a part of the spectacular new circuits, or by using a variety of exotic quantum mechanics, but in the new forest in the heart of the substance of the invention with the glue.

This does not mean any glue. It is the adhesive that dissipates heat, so effectively that in the context of the game characters in the layer in the layer at the top of each other, are stacked into Silicon "towers" of up to 100 high, the layers are glued together with ordinary special adhesive, which keeps things cool. The End Result? Faster chips for computers, laptops, smartphones, and anything that uses microprocessors.

IBM micro processor and Silicon expertise and contribute to its super cool adhesive 3 M for the two companies, together with the objective of the stack for the processors and memory circuits, networks, Monster "skyscrapers," they say is 1 000 times faster than today's fastest processor silicon to the community.

When we are in our hands, you can use the breakthrough tech? IBM: n media relations representative Michael Corrado tells us, "by the end of the year 2013 it should go into production. I'm going to show it on the servers first and then the year after that, consumers may see it. "

And to think, we were impressed by the promise of processor, which is 20 times faster.

This is a list of illustrative video, this interesting new breakthrough (votes):



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